Wednesday, 16 July 2008


Welcome to this blog. It will be about dealing with complex systems from perspective of technical leadership.

By that I mean several things:
  • Complex systems - with special focus on software-intensive systems, but taking into account the general term of "system" as a set of interrelated and inter-constrained elements. The following article introduces System thinking, the way to deal with complex systems effectively.
  • Technical leadership - with special focus on the role of IT Architect and Team Leader roles in software development projects. The following article by Martin Fowler reflects the idea of technical leader ship quite well.
This blog is to be more like a journey for me. There are current conditions and challenges I realize in my professional life (as knowledge-rush, great lack of time and not very sexy balance of work & life) as well as in current IT industry (of business applications) in general (emerging forces of outsourcing, uploading, sharing data, just-in-time requirement change management, etc.) - all these together makes today's IT architect job quite challenging.

This blog is about how I am going to deal with realized challenges in my current role and profession in general. Welcome :)

Quote of the day:
Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things. (Randy Pausch, the last lecture)

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